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FileMaker Cloud 16

filemaker cloudWith the release of the FileMaker Cloud 1.16, several features that were exclusive to on-premise FileMaker Server are now available. The 1.16 update includes, but is not limited to, the features listed below.

  • Server Side Scripts with the FileMaker Admin API
  • Custom Web Publishing with the FileMaker Data API
  • PDF and print support
  • JSON Parsing
  • OAuth 2.0 client authentication

Server Side Scripts

The release of the FileMaker Cloud Admin API now allows you to manage server-side schedules, pull a list of logged-in users, send messages to connected users, and much more. Our free FileMaker Cloud Schedule Manager allows you to create and manage script schedules for your FileMaker system.

To download our FileMaker Cloud Schedule Manager or read more about what all it can do, see our FileMaker Cloud Admin API Article.

Custom Web Publishing

The FileMaker Data API, which was formally only available for FileMaker Server, allows you to access your FileMaker data using the standard REST API. By going with a standardized format developers are able to integrate any platform they choose with FileMaker solutions on FileMaker Cloud.

Details on enabling and using the data API can be found at our FileMaker Data API Article.

PDF and Print Support

FileMaker Cloud now enables the use of the Print, Print Setup, and Save Records as PDF script steps on both FileMaker Pro and FileMaker WebDirect.

JSON Parsing

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open-standard file format that allows developers to interact with REST APIs without using a plugin. FileMaker Cloud now supports JSON parsing for server side scripts.

For more details on using JSON with FileMaker please read our FileMaker JSON Functions Article.

OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication

FileMaker Cloud now supports OAuth 2.0, which allows clients to authenticate via Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Azure. Configuration for OAuth identity providers can be found in the Client Authentication section under the configuration tab on the FileMaker Cloud Admin Console (shown below)

FileMaker Clien Authentication Configuration

A FileMaker Pro client must be used to configure specific users’ accounts to authenticate via an identity provider. This setting is found under:
File -> Manage Security -> highlight desired account -> Edit…

filemaker server oauth choices

Comparing Cloud 16 to Original Release

Since the initial version of FileMaker Cloud, many updates have brought Cloud up to par with FileMaker Server. FileMaker Cloud now includes the following features that were not available with the initial launch:

  • On-demand backups
  • Uploading unencrypted FileMaker files
  • Restoring individual data files from a snapshot
  • AWS solid state hard drives (SSD)
  • Increased number of AWS regional endpoints

Unsupported Features in FileMaker Cloud

The update brought FileMaker Cloud to near parity with FileMaker Server; however, there are three features FileMaker Server supports, which are currently unsupported for Cloud.

  1. Custom Web Publishing with PHP and XML is currently unsupported; however, the FileMaker Data API, which is now available for cloud, eliminates the need for this feature.
  2. Local Active Directory integration. Although Cloud now supports Microsoft Azure Active Directory, it does not support authentication via active directories that exist within your network.
  3. Compatibility with FileMaker Pro 14 and 15. FileMaker Cloud 16 is currently only compatible with FileMaker 16 clients; however, FileMaker Server 16 is compatible with FileMaker 14, 15, and 16 clients.


Cloud backups run on a 20 minute schedule and one week's worth (504) are stored before automatic deletion begins; however, preserved backups are not deleted. Backups can be run on demand and preserved at any time as shown in the image below.

FileMaker Cloud Backup Settings

As shown in the graphic above, backups are accessed through the "Backups" section of the Cloud admin console. From here users may request an on-demand backup, which is then automatically preserved. Snapshots can then be attached to preserved backups, allowing the database files to be downloaded as needed. Only one snapshot can be attached at a time, but users may download specific database files as opposed to downloading every file hosted on the server.

Uploading Unencrypted Files

Unencrypted files can now be uploaded to FileMaker Cloud from a Pro client. Once uploaded, FileMaker Cloud will request an encryption password and encrypt the file itself, saving users the time of encrypting their files through their Pro clients. It is important to note that in order to upload an unencrypted file to Cloud, you will need to have at least three times the file size in space available to upload. The total space available can be viewed from the Dashboard section of the admin console. If you don't have that much space available, you may upgrade the AWS storage volume size at any time through the Subscription section of the admin console.

FileMaker Cloud AWS Region Support

FileMaker Cloud can now be set up on the following AWS regions:

  • US East (Northern Virginia)
  • US West (Oregon)
  • Canada (Central)
  • EU (Ireland)
  • EU (Frankfurt)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

All FileMaker Cloud disk types have been changed from magnetic to solid state drives (SSD), increasing overall speed.

Moving to FileMaker Cloud

For details on moving your existing system to FileMaker cloud, please read the “Moving to FileMaker Cloud" section of our FileMaker Cloud Overview Article.


With this update, the full power of FileMaker Server is now available in the cloud. If you're interested in seeing if FileMaker Cloud is the best choice for you, contact us for a free technical analysis to review and assist in optimizing your application(s) before moving to the FileMaker Cloud.

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Kiyan Allaei thumbnail
Kiyan Allaei

Kiyan is an outgoing and energetic certified FileMaker developer whose technical passion is the world of databases. His collaborative and positive attitude creates a natural draw for clients seeking solutions to meet their database needs.